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CIT 250 Flashcards

1. Declarative knowledge

Declarative knowledge refers to facts or information stored in the memory that is considered static in nature. Declarative knowledge, also referred to as verbal or factual knowledge, describes things, events, or processes; their attributes; and their relation to each other. It is contrary to procedural or implicit knowledge, which refers to the knowledge of how to perform or operate.

2. Assertive communication style

A person using this style is confident in their convictions but makes sure that they do not belittle or steamroll others in the conversation

3. Aggressive communication style

This communication style can be hostile, threatening, and comes from a place of wanting to win at all costs. An aggressive communicator behaves as if their contribution to the conversation is more important than anyone else, and the content of their message is often lost because of the tone of their delivery.

4. Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication encompasses a whole host of physicalized nonverbal cues that convey emotional states and complement verbal messages. Nonverbal human communication involves many different parts of the body and can be either conscious or subconscious on the part of the communicator.

5. Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is interpersonal communication that includes oral communication, written communication, and sign language. Verbal communication relies on words to convey meaning between two or more people

6. Avoiding – A conflict resolution strategies

This method involves simply ignoring that there may be a conflict. People tend to avoid conflict when they don’t want to engage in it. Avoiding allows them to ignore that there is a problem.

7. Accommodating – A conflict resolution strategies

This strategy, also known as smoothing, involves one party acquiescing, giving the opposing party exactly what it needs to resolve the problem. This method allows you to resolve a problem in the short-term while working toward a long-term solution.

8. The ADDIE Model

The ADDIE model is one of many approaches used by instructional designers and content developers when creating instructional course materials (see also Instructional Systems Design). ADDIE is a five-phase process; each phase can take place sequentially or concurrently. The five phases include analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Also see Rapid Application Development.

9. Competency models

Competency models are frameworks for defining the skill and knowledge requirements of a job. They arrange knowledge and skill requirements into categories, such as personal effectiveness and academic, technical, industrial, occupational, management and workplace competencies

10. Conscious Incompetence

Conscious Incompetence In the Four Stages of Competence Model, conscious incompetence is the second stage, in which the learner is aware of a skill or knowledge gap and understands the importance of acquiring the new skill.

11. Passive communication style

This type of communication is also known as the submissive communication style. Another way of describing it is the “people-pleaser” type. This type of communication is self-effacing, conflict-avoidant, and easy-going.

12. Conflict Resolution Strategy Avoiding

This method involves simply ignoring that there may be a conflict. People tend to avoid conflict when they don’t want to engage in it. Avoiding allows them to ignore that there is a problem

13. Conflict Resolution Strategy Competing

Competing is an uncooperative, overly assertive method used by people who insist on winning the dispute at all costs. It’s known as a win-lose strategy. This method is not often identified as bringing satisfactory resolutions, as it doesn’t allow for collaborative problem-solving.

14. Information Literacy

Information Literacy: The ability to locate, evaluate and use/apply information

15. Media literacy

Sources define media literacy as the ability to access, evaluate, analyse, or create media in various forms. Media literacy helps people digest the news, ascertain legit news from fake news, and digest the information.

16. Technological digital literacy

Technological digital literacy involves proficiency in using digital devices (smartphones, laptops, tablets) to access the Internet to discover, create, review, evaluate, and use information via different digital platforms.

17. Technology literacy

Technology literacy is the ability to use, comprehend, manage, and analyse technology safely, effectively, and responsibly. This literacy includes using technology to evaluate, create and integrate information

18. The ADDIE Model - Development

During the design phase, you did a lot of the hard work in creating your course. You outlined the flow of information and identified the content and resources you need.

19. The ADDIE Model - Design

With those basic pieces in place, you're ready to move into the design phase. This is when you'll start to map out the basic flow and feel of whatever instructional material you're working on (for example, your course) and start to pull together content, graphics, and more.

20. Compromising

This strategy, also known as reconciling, seeks a mutual agreement to settle a dispute. It’s known as a lose-lose strategy since both parties willingly forfeit some of their needs in the interest of reaching an agreement.

21. Collaborating

Like the compromising method, collaboration involves working with the other party to find a mutually agreeable solution to a problem. It’s known as a win-win strategy. For example, a salesperson and client may work together to negotiate contract terms until both parties find it agreeable.

22. Accommodating

This strategy, also known as smoothing, involves one party acquiescing, giving the opposing party exactly what it needs to resolve the problem. This method allows you to resolve a problem in the short-term while working toward a long-term solution

23. Disability

Disability is the experience of any condition that makes it more difficult for a person to do certain activities or have equitable access within a given society.

24. Type of Disabilities

Disabilities may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical, sensory, or a combination of multiple factors.

25. Intellectual disability (ID)

Intellectual disability (ID), also known as general learning disability in the United Kingdom and formerly mental retardation, is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning.

26.. The collective learning

The collective learning is likely to take place a bit later, in conversation – in the kitchen, the hallway or the parking lot. Collective learning happens when a community adapts to new information by incorporating it into a narrative, creating some practical knowledge by which it will be guided in choosing its behaviours going forward.

27. Dynamic learning

Dynamic learning refers to a learning environment in which the student is not just a recipient: he/she participates, creates, communicates, makes progress. Which is perfectly in line with the interactivity of online education. Even within eLearning, however, you can find different ways to create a dynamic environment.

28. explanatory case study

The purpose of an explanatory case study is to better show the data and description of a casual investigation.

29. Collective case study’s

Collective case study’s purpose is to show the detail of how a group of individuals in a manner that shows all the data concisely.

30. descriptive case study

The purpose of a descriptive case study is to be able to compare the new gatherings to the pre-existing theory

31. impactful training

Regularly providing impactful training and development opportunities improves employee motivation and job satisfaction, and opens up opportunities for advancement and promotion.

32. Visual (spatial)

Visual (spatial): You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.

33. Aural (auditory-musical)

Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.

34. Verbal (linguistic)

Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.

35. Kinesthetic learners

How to recognize kinesthetic learners in your class

36. A pilot programs

A pilot program, also called a feasibility study or experimental trial, is a small-scale, short-term experiment that helps an organization learn how a large-scale project might work in practice.

37. A subject-matter expert (SME)

A subject-matter expert (SME) is a person who has accumulated great knowledge in a particular field or topic and this level of knowledge is demonstrated by the person's degree, licensure, and/or through years of professional experience with the subject

38. Blended learning

Blended learning, also known as technology-mediated instruction, web-enhanced instruction, or mixed-mode instruction, is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with physical place-based classroom methods

39. Distributed learning

Distributed learning is an instructional model that allows instructor, students, and content to be located in different, noncentralized locations so that instruction and learning can occur independent of time and place.

40. Educational technology

Educational technology (commonly abbreviated as edutech, or edtech) is the combined use of computer hardware, software, and educational theory and practice to facilitate learning

41. A lesson plan

A lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction or "learning trajectory" for a lesson. A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class learning. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the needs of the students. There may be requirements mandated by the school system regarding the plan.

42. Training

Training may be viewed as related to immediate changes in organizational effectiveness via organized instruction, while development is related to the progress of longer-term organizational and employee goals.

43. A checklist

A checklist is a type of job aid used in repetitive tasks to reduce failure by compensating for potential limits of human memory and attention. It helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task.

44. A training manual

A training manual may form an important part of a formal training program. For example, it may help ensure consistency in presentation of content. It may also ensure that all training information on skills, processes, and other information necessary to perform tasks is together in one place.

45. transferable skills

Also known as “universal” or “portable” skills, transferable skills are useful across job roles and industries. For example, communication and time management are transferable skills because they are applicable in numerous job roles, from customer service to front-line management.

46. A test / assessment

A test is an assessment, exam, or evaluation instrument used to gauge an individual’s performance. In corporate training, tests may be administered pre- or post-training to gauge learners’ knowledge and expertise.

47. Self-awareness

Self-awareness is the ability to see oneself objectively through reflective introspection. Self-aware leaders can better recognize their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to make more effective business decisions.

48. Social learning

Social learning is a form of synchronous or asynchronous online learning that occurs in a social setting, most recently through social media or social learning platforms, where users can interact, collaborate and communicate on the learning topic. See also: Collaborative Learning.

49. Reskilling

Reskilling is the process of developing and training employees in order to fulfil job functions and tasks outside of their current role and existing skill set.

50. Role-play, or role-playing

Role-play, or role-playing, allows a learner to assume the role or tasks of a job by practicing or simulating real working conditions. The objective of role-playing is to learn, improve or develop upon the skills or competencies necessary for a specific position.

51. Proficiency

Proficiency refers to the state of being competent or advanced in a skill, role or job.

52. Pedagogy

Pedagogy is the art or science of education, which often pertains to educating youth.

53. Outskilling

Outskilling refers to retraining employees with the skills they need to be competitive in the job market. Some organizations outskill employees amid layoffs to help them find new roles.

54. Microlearning

Microlearning is training content delivered in “bite-sized” pieces, or short, specific bursts. This content is used in isolation or as part of a series of microlearning content to teach a skill or behaviour.

55. A learning culture

A learning culture is a set of organizational practices, values and processes within a workplace. The goal of a learning culture is to encourage the continuous growth of learning and development and to improve the performance of individual employees and, therefore, the entire organization.

56. A learning objective

A learning objective is a statement that tells your students what they will learn by the end of your lesson or course. It’s like a promise you’re making to your students about what they’ll get

57. A course description

A course description is a brief summary of your subject, course content, and learning objectives. Potential learners will read your course description and then make an assessment as to whether or not yours is the right course for them. A course description should run no longer than one hundred words, and be written in clear, focused language

58. A performance reviews

A performance review, also called a performance evaluation or performance appraisal, is an assessment where supervisors review an employee’s performance at work. Throughout the performance review, a supervisor will identify employee’s strengths and weaknesses, set goals and offer feedback for future performance.

59. A competency model

A competency model is a guideline developed by a Human Resource department that sets out the specific skills, knowledge and behavioural requirements that enable an employee to perform their job successfully.

60. Core competencies

Core competencies include the baseline skills required by the organization for all employees; these are the basic things that employees must fulfill. This will vary from company to company, as it depends on the values, philosophy and goals of each organization, but can include basic requirements like communication skills or teamwork. Most jobs require a basic element of being able to work with other people to some degree.

61. Functional competencies

Functional competencies are job-specific skills and behaviors that are unique for each role. For example, a competency for a restaurant waiter may be the ability to effectively handle customer complaints, where a competency for an accountant may be the ability to analyze a specific type of financial data in order to prepare reports.

62. Pedagogy

Pedagogy is the art or science of education, which often pertains to educating youth.

63. Leadership competencies

Leadership competencies are often used for supervisory and management related roles, although can be applied to any job position that requires an employee to lead others. They include leadership skills and behaviours like decision-making abilities.

64. Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal – Competency models provide the framework needed to properly assess employees during a performance review; both the employee and employer have a clearly defined list of behaviours and skills to work from.

65. A formalized remediation plans

A formalized remediation plan provides both the trainee and program specific and transparent expectations for trainee improvement and a timeline for completion. Remediation can evolve into Probation, if necessary.

66. The Kirkpatrick model

The Kirkpatrick model, also known as Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation, is a key tool for evaluating the efficacy of training within an organization. This model is globally recognized as one of the most effective evaluations of training.

67. The Kirkpatrick model Consist of

The Kirkpatrick model consists of 4 levels: Reaction, learning, behaviour, and results.

68. Participant feedback

It’s essential that you know how effective your training is. Participant feedback can help you measure the effectiveness of your courses, improve them, and plan future training.

69. Pre-training - Participant feedback

Pre-training: to inform how you run the training, how you deliver it, and what useful and relevant content it should have. It will also tell you about participants’ existing knowledge, expectations, needs, and wants.

70. Post-training - Participant feedback

Post-training: these help you take a long, hard look at the outcomes of your training, making sure it fulfilled your goals and offered value for money.

71. Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment refers to a variety of assessment procedures that provides the required information,to adjust teaching,during the learning process

72. summative assessments

summative assessments are usually applied at the end of a period of instruction to measure the outcome of student learning. They are high stakes for all concerned, most obviously for the learners who are being judged but also in the sense that the data may be used to drive course improvement, to assess teaching effectiveness, and for program-level assessments such as accreditation.

73. Job performance

Job performance relates to how individuals perform in their job duties. In addition to training and natural ability (like dexterity or an inherent skill with numbers), job performance is impacted by workplace environment factors including physically demanding tasks, employee morale, stress levels, and working extended hours.

74. on-the-job training

on-the-job training allows companies to find the right people for the job because they show capability during the training process.

75. Student learning outcomes (SLOs

Typically, Student learning outcomes (SLOs) describe the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviours or values students should be able to demonstrate at the end of a program of study.

76. Diversity training

Diversity training refers to educational and skills training programs that promote cultural awareness in the workplace. Diversity training is designed to improve workplace relations among employees and executives of all races, religions, sexes, national origins, age groups, etc.

77. Emotional intelligence (EQ or EI)

Emotional intelligence (EQ or EI) is the awareness of and ability to manage one’s emotions as well as influence the emotions of others. EQ is said to be just as important as IQ is today. See soft skills.

78. Task analysis

Task analysis is the examination of each step involved in completing a task or job, along with a detailed description of the activities performed in each task or job. A task analysis can include elements such as speed, duration, mental activity, environmental factors and more. Task analysis, also referred to as “job task analysis,” is a critical element when conducting a needs assessment.

79. Workforce development

Workforce development is a broadly used term that refers to the education, training and development of skilled workers. Workforce development can be initiated and supported on an organizational, local, and/or national level to promote and strengthen the skills and knowledge that are essential in creating a competent workforce.

80. A 360-degree assessment

A 360-degree assessment is a systematic method for obtaining feedback on an individual’s performance from co-workers, bosses, customers, direct reports, etc. This assessment provides a comprehensive view of how others perceive the individual, allowing him or her to work on areas that may need improvement.

81. unconscious competence

In the Four Stages of Competence Model, unconscious competence is the fourth and final stage, in which the individual has enough experience with the skill that they can perform it easily.

82. job analysis

Determining the fundamental requirements of the jobs at your business can help you hire the right people, establish competitive pay ranges, develop standards to measure employee performance and make sure your business is running as efficiently as possible. This process of defining jobs is commonly known as job analysis.

83. A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)

A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) is a project management chart used to identify and define the various people and organizations and outline each of their roles in working on tasks or delivering a part of the project.

84. Self-Assessment

It's always positive for students to be able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses. When possible, self-assessment can lead the student to a better sense of understanding of her own learning. The teacher should ask some guiding questions that can lead to this discovery.

85. Observation

Observing a student in the learning environment is a very powerful assessment method. It can also be the vehicle for the teacher to change or enhance a specific teaching strategy. Observation can be done in a small group setting while the child is engaged in learning tasks.

86. Social norms

Social norms are shared standards of acceptable behaviour by groups.[1][2] Social norms can both be informal understandings that govern the behaviour of members of a society, as well as be codified into rules and laws

87. Attitude

In psychology, attitude is a psychological construct that is a mental and emotional entity that inheres or characterizes a person, their attitude to approach to something, or their personal view on it. Attitude involves their mindset, outlook and feelings.

88. Emotions are mental states

Emotions are mental states brought on by neurophysiological changes, variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioural responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure.

89. Cognition

Cognition refers to "the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses"

90. Knowledge

Knowledge is often understood as awareness of facts or as practical skills, and may also mean familiarity with objects or situations.

91. Problem solving

Problem solving is the process of achieving a goal by overcoming obstacles, a frequent part of most activities. Problems in need of solutions range from simple personal tasks (e.g., how to turn on an appliance) to complex issues in business and technical fields.

92. g factor (psychometrics)

The g factor (also known as general intelligence, general mental ability or general intelligence factor) is a construct developed in psychometric investigations of cognitive abilities and human intelligence.

93. Cognitive skills

Cognitive skills, also called cognitive functions, cognitive abilities or cognitive capacities, are brain-based skills which are needed in acquisition of knowledge, manipulation of information and reasoning.

94. Perception

Perceptionis the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or environment.

95. The sensory nervous system

The sensory nervous system is a part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information.

96. Physical fitness

Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities.

97. Well-being

Well-being, or wellbeing, also known as wellness, prudential value or quality of life, refers to what is intrinsically valuable relative to someone.

98. Subjective well-being (SWB)

Subjective well-being (SWB) is a self-reported measure of well-being, typically obtained by questionnaire.

99. Personality psychology

Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that examines personality and its variation among individuals. It aims to show how people are individually different due to psychological forces.

100. Personality

"Personality" is a dynamic and organized set of characteristics possessed by an individual that uniquely influences their environment, cognition, emotions, motivations, and behaviours in various situations.

101. Job aids

task procedures, Material Safety Data Sheets (sections on protection information, special precautions, spill/leak, procedures), flowcharts, checklists, diagrams, troubleshooting guides, decision tables

102. Selection and assignment

Selection and assignment refer to considerations and processes used to hire people and assign them specific responsibilities and on-the-job tasks. Improving the hiring process helps ensure the right worker is assigned to the task.

103. Occupational hygiene

Occupational hygiene (United States: industrial hygiene (IH)) is the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control, and confirmation (ARECC) of protection from risks associated with exposures to hazards in, or arising from, the workplace that may result in injury, illness, impairment, or affect the well-being of workers and members of the community.

104. Gross domestic product (GDP)

Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value or the market value of all the final goods and services produced and sold in a specific time period by a country or countries generally "without double counting the intermediate goods and services used up to produce them".

105. Education

Education may be thought of as the presentation of general information that may or may not be used by the learner - Anything that affects our knowledge, skills, and attitudes (SKA's)

106. Training

Training is the development and delivery of information that people will actually use. A specialized form of education that focuses on developing or improving skills - the focus is on performance. All Rights Reserved

107. General Safety Education

General safety information is communicated to employees. No measurement of Skills, knowledge, attitudes (SKA's) are required.

108. Specific Safety Training

Specific safety information and instruction on performing safe procedures and practices. SKAs are measured/tested. Employees must meet established criteria for SKA's to successfully complete the course.

109. New Employee Orientation.

New Employee Orientation. The format and extent of orientation training will depend on the complexity of hazards and the work practices needed to control them. Orientation will include a combination of initial classroom and follow-up on-the-job (OJT) training

110. On-the-Job Training (OJT)

On-the-Job Training (OJT). OJT training relates principles and theories to work skills that are then taught and applied in the work environment.

111. Needs analysis

Needs analysis will provide information about (1) the learner, and (2) the task that will help us design training that meets specific learner needs.

112. Hazard Communication Program

Hazard Communication Program. When asked, employees demonstrated a lack of knowledge regarding:
(1) spill/emergency procedures, and
(2) container labelling requirements for the chemicals they were using

113. Lockout/tagout

Lockout/tagout. Maintenance workers were not familiar with the written lockout/tagout procedures for mechanical power presses.

114. Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment. Workers were discovered:
(1) wearing defective respirators, and
(2) improperly storing respirators.

115. A Competent person

A Competent person is someone who has broad knowledge of worksite safety and health issues, is capable of identifying existing and predictable worksite hazards, and has management approval to control the hazards. For instance: Only a competent person can supervise erecting, moving, or dismantling scaffolds at a worksite, for example.

116. A qualified person

A qualified person is someone who, through training and professional experience, has demonstrated the ability to resolve problems relating to a specific task or process. For example, an individual may be qualified to perform electrical circuit tests but not qualified to perform hydraulic pressure tests.

117. A "program"

A "program" contains a written plan, policies, processes, procedures, rules, forms, reports, and possibly other documents.

118. informative and directive

It should inform everyone about the safety training mission, policies, procedures
• It should also clearly state who is responsible for carrying out the mission, policies and Procedures

119. Natural consequences

Natural consequences occur automatically in response to our behaviours/actions. We are punished or rewarded by something for what we do. If we fall down, two consequences naturally occur; we either get hurt or we don't. In safety natural consequences refer to hurt or health as outcomes

120. System consequences

System consequences are possible organizational responses to our behavior/actions. We are punished or rewarded by someone for what we do. Various consequences may occur; someone may administer discipline, apologizes, etc

121. A Designated person

A Designated person has received extensive training in a particular task and is assigned by the employer to perform that task in specific operations

122. An Authorized person

An Authorized person is permitted by an employer to be in a regulated area or assigned by an employer to perform a specific task or to be in a specific location at a jobsite

123. A certified person

A certified person has successfully completed specialized training and that the training has been certified in writing by a professional organization. For example, OR-OSHA’s safety and health rules allow only trained audiologists, otolaryngologists, or technicians who have been certified by the Council of Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation to perform audiometric tests.

124. Competent

OSHA defines "Competent" as possessing the skills, knowledge, experience, and judgment to perform assigned tasks or activities satisfactorily as determined by the employer.

125. Training and Development

Training and Development - Focus: identifying, assessing and -- through planned learning -- helping develop the key competencies (knowledge, skill, attitudes - SKA's) that enable individuals to perform current or future jobs. (ASTD)

126. ethics in training

Companies must include ethics in training from the start, and they cannot assume employees know the ins and outs of what’s right and wrong in any given situation based on their personal standards of conduct.

127. BCSP Code of Ethics – HOLD

HOLD paramount the safety and health of people, the protection of the environment and protection of property in the performance of professional duties and exercise their obligation to advise employers, clients, employees, the public, and appropriate authorities of danger and unacceptable risks to people, the environment, or property.

128. BCSP Code of Ethics – ISSUE

ISSUE public statements only in an objective and truthful manner and only when founded upon knowledge of the facts and competence in the subject matter.

129. A trademark

A trademark is a name, symbol, or mark that distinguishes a product or brand from other products or brands.

130. A copyright

A copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to copy, distribute, adapt, display, and perform a creative work, usually for a limited time.

131. Federated training organization model

Federated training organization model centralizes certain processes of the training function within the enterprise and decentralizes others. Companies most commonly deploy the federated model by centralizing processes associated with training administration while decentralizing processes for content development and delivery

132. An employee assistance program (EAP)

An employee assistance program (EAP) is a confidential service that employers may offer as a part of their employee benefits package. EAPs give employees access to physical and mental health resources for work- and non-work-related challenges, such as stress and burnout, substance abuse, divorce and domestic violence, mental health, grief, wellness and nutrition and more.

133. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s perspective and emotions. In recent years, it has been recognized as a critical soft skill for both leaders and employees, and it is often associated with strong emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

134. Due diligence

Due diligence refers to the research and analysis of a company or organization done in preparation for a business transaction. It is also the third of seven stages of a training outsourcing engagement.

135. Data literacy

Data literacy refers to one’s ability to understand, create and effectively communicate data in context. Data-literate employees are able to draw meaningful information from data, leading to more effective and strategic decision-making across the organization.

136. training goal

A goal is nothing more than a wish. A training goal is a little bit more than that. It's a general statement about what you want to train. For instance, a training goal might state, "Train our new employees on hazard reporting procedures." In this course we focus on getting beyond goals. We'll focus on writing operational objectives.

137. Action verbs

Action verbs describe observable/measurable behaviours. Use action verbs when writing objectives for Level Two training. Use concrete vs abstract verbs. For instance, if you use the verb, “demonstrate,” in an objective, you’ll have to figure out how the student will demonstrate.

138. Two important criteria for deciding on content are usefulness

Two important criteria for deciding on content are usefulness and appropriateness in relation to the stated objectives. It must be useful and It must be appropriate

139. Hands-on training

Hands-on training is usually quite effective in training because it uses a simulated work environment that permits each student to have experience performing tasks, making decisions, or using equipment appropriate to the job assignment for which the training is being conducted.

140. Validate.

Validate. The supervisor or other person validates the training by observing performance and asking questions at some point in time after the training.

141. The sequence the course content

sequence the course content according to how it should be most effectively presented to achieve the objective.


Actual or hypothetical situation.


Oral presentation of material, usually from prepared notes and visual aids.


ROLE PLAY: Participants improvise behaviour of assigned fictitious roles.


SMALL GROUP: Participants divide into sub-groups for discussion or exercise.

146. GAMES

GAMES: Simulations of real-life situations.


STORIES: Actual or mythical examples of course content in action.


EXERCISES: Various tasks related to specific course content


DISCUSSION: Facilitated opportunity for participants to comment.


BRAINSTORM: Participants generate ideas on a problem situation


JOB AIDS: Summaries of key points of course content, for use back on the Job

152. Process Evaluation

Process Evaluation - students describe their reaction to the presentation of the instructor, the quality of the materials, the understandability of the exercises, and so on

153. Content Evaluation

Content Evaluation - students describe their reactions to and satisfaction with the specific content of the training. Students judge instructor knowledge and how much they believe they learned about each specific topic.

154. Methods

Methods: Evaluations, questionnaire immediately after the program. Post-program conversations.

155. Culture

Culture. For training to be truly effective, the safety culture must support the training. A supportive safety culture is most immediately demonstrated by the learner's immediate supervisor.

156. Preventing Culture

Preventing. The supervisor does not allow the worker to use the procedures or practices that have been taught.

157. Discouraging Culture

Discouraging. The supervisor does not encourage behavioural change. They send implicit messages that they want behaviours to remain the same

158. Neutral Culture

Neutral. The supervisor does not acknowledge the training received. There is no objection to behavioural change as long as the job gets done on time.

159. Encouraging Culture

Encouraging. The supervisor acknowledges the training and encourages the worker to use what they learned.

160. Requiring Culture

Requiring. The supervisor knows what training was received and insists that the learning is transferred to the job. This response is the most supportive and will be necessary most of the time for effective safety training

161. Open questions

Open questions require more than a "yes" or "no" answer. Stimulates thinking, discussion. Usually begins with a "what," "how," "when, “why."

162. Closed questions

Closed questions only a one word "yes" or "no" answer. Closes off discussion. Usually begins with "is," "can," "how many," "does."

163. Too much participation

Too much participation. Learners may not be able to fully participate in group or class activities when an individual learner is too vocal. Overly vocal learners may be merely the result of an enthusiastic interest in the course material.

164. Too little participation

Too little participation. When one participant is too vocal, others may not feel comfortable participating, and remain silent. Their valuable input may be lost from the group. In addition, the trainer may not be able to accurately assess the degree of learning that's taking place when learners are silent.

165. Hostility

Hostility. A learner may express hostility towards the trainer, the company, or another learner. Don’t assume that such behavior on the part of learners is a reflection of their hostility toward you or your training.

166. Training program management

Training program management. Training works best when it's designed and implemented as an integrated system rather than a series of unrelated training sessions.

167. Training process

Training process. Training should be conducted using a systematic process that includes a needs assessment, objectives, course materials, lesson plans, evaluation strategies, and criteria for successful completion.

168. Training results

Training results. By evaluating the results of training, it's possible to make improvements to existing plans and gain awareness of the need for new training.

169. Training Plan

Adequacy and appropriateness of the training program's curriculum development, instructor training, distribution of course materials, and direct student training should be considered,

170. Safety improves process quality

Safety improves process quality. Evaluate how the training has impacted the quality (Efficiency, effectiveness) of a job.

171. the return on the investment (ROI)

ROI is calculated by converting productivity and quality improvements to monetary values. This is the most difficult level of evaluation

172. A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)

A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM), also known as RACI matrix or linear responsibility chart (LRC), describes the participation by various roles in completing tasks or deliverables for a project or business process.

173. RACI is an acronym

RACI is an acronym derived from the four key responsibilities most typically used: responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.

174. I = Informed (also informee)

I = Informed (also informee) Those who are kept up-to-date on progress, often only on completion of the task or deliverable; and with whom there is just one-way communication

175. Accountable

Accountable (also approver or final approving authority) The one ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the deliverable or task, the one who ensures the prerequisites of the task are met and who delegates the work to those responsible.

176. Strategic alignment

Strategic alignment: How effectively does the learning strategy support the organization’s priorities?

177. Capabilities

Capabilities: How well does the L&D function help colleagues build the mind-sets, skills, and expertise they need most? This impact can be measured by assessing people’s capability gaps against a comprehensive competency framework.

178. Organizational health

Organizational health: To what extent does learning strengthen the overall health and DNA of the organization? Relevant dimensions of the McKinsey Organizational Health Index can provide a baseline.

179. Individual peak performance

Individual peak performance: Beyond raw capabilities, how well does the L&D function help colleagues achieve maximum impact in their role while maintaining a healthy work-life balance?

180. An Accident Prevention Plan (APP)

An Accident Prevention Plan (APP) instructs employees how to respond in the case of common occupational hazards. It includes precautions that should be taken to reduce or eliminate these hazards.

181. Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)

An AHA is technique that analyzes common job hazards before they occur. Specifically, AHAs focus on the relationship between the employee, the task, the tools and the work environment. The idea behind an Activity Hazard Analysis is that once all potential hazards are identified that they can be avoided and eliminated.

182. Bloodborne pathogens

Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans. Examples of bloodborne pathogens include hepatitis and HIV.

183. Chemical Exposure

Employers and employees are required by OSHA to work together to identify and prevent exposure to hazardous chemicals that can lead to health problems and physical hazards.

184. Corrosives

Present in almost every workplace, corrosives are materials that can chemically destroy exposed body tissue and other materials. Examples of corrosives are: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, ammonium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide.

185. Emergency Action Plans

OSHA standards require that an emergency action plan (EAP) be put in place for certain worksites. An EAP should be used as an instruction guide for employees to follow during workplace emergencies.

186. Excavation

Work that includes the removal of soil or rock from a worksite using tools, machinery or explosives. Excavation work results in an open face, hole or cavity that can be used to lay pipe or create trenches.

187. First Aid/CPR

Types of help administered to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available. While First Aid can be used to heal a wide variety of injuries, CPR is used when a person is struggling to breathe or their heart is not beating.

188. GHS Hazard Communication Standards

Provides easy-to-understand information on the safe handling of hazardous equipment. The Hazard Communication Standard is comprised of four main parts: Hazard Classification, Labels, Safety Data Sheets, and Training.


Stands for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. HAZWOPER is a set of guidelines written by OSHA to regulate hazardous waste operations and to help protect employees from hazards. Any employee that is exposed or could be exposed to hazardous materials is covered under the HAZWOPER standard.

190. Industrial Hygiene

Also known as Occupational Hygiene, Industrial Hygiene is the practice of controlling and protecting employees from health and safety hazards that can cause injury or illness.

191. Lead exposure

Occurs when the body is exposed to higher-than-normal amounts of lead. Lead exposure can cause lead poisoning, developmental delays, abdominal pain, and even death. Lead exposure typically occurs at construction sites involving older buildings, or in those who work in welding.

192. Lockout/Tagout

A safety procedure that ensures equipment and heavy-machinery are properly shut off and are unable to turn back on before the required repairs and maintenance have been completed.

193. Accessibility

Accessibility means course content can be used by people with varying abilities and disabilities. eLearning content developers and instructional designers should aim to make courses clear, easy to understand, and simple to complete.

194. Active learning

Active learning is a strategy focused on encouraging learners to actively participate in training.

195. ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation)

The ADDIE model is an acronym: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.

196. Agile Learning

Often contrasted with the ADDIE process, the Agile design method emerged in the 1970s and became widely adopted in the 1990s.

197. Assessments

Assessments often take the form of a test included at the end of a course to evaluate learner performance.

198. Assimilation

Incorporating new ideas, concepts, or experiences into an existing mental schema is commonly known as assimilation.

199. Asynchronous learning

Asynchronous learning allows learners to train individually, enabling them to complete courses at a time, place and pace that suits them.

200. Authoring Tool

Often paired with an LMS, this software is used to develop content for online learning and training programs

201. Blended learning

Blended learning is the combination of traditional, face-to-face learning methods with technology-based online learning methods. It’s also be described as a blending of live training and self-paced training. It offers a great way to augment the learner’s experience.

202. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Bring Your Own Device is a policy whereby employees or members bring and use their own mobile, tablet or laptop device in a training or work setting.

203. Branching Navigation

This adaptive learning technique that gives learners control over outcomes. Learners are prompted to choose from multiple solutions to given scenarios. And different outcomes are presented for each challenge encountered along the way.

204. CDN (Content Delivery Network)

CDN is a global network of proxy servers deployed in multiple data centers to enable the high availability and high performance of content being viewed by the learner.

205. CEU (Continual Education Unit)

A CEU is a measurement used in continuing education programs. Usually, the completion of a certain number of units allows individuals to remain licensed in their profession.

206. Chunk

A small unit of a larger piece of learning content is referred to as a chunk. It’s designed to make assimilation more manageable for learners. Chunking content also helps to combat learner fatigue.

207. Classroom-Based Training

Also known as face-to-face or live training, classroom-based training is a more traditional training method. An instructor guides learners through a course in a real-world environment such as a classroom or meeting room.

208. Employee Training

Employee training, also known as workforce training, is the delivery of onboarding, role, soft skills, compliance, process, and product training to employees within your organization.

209. F2F (Face to Face Training)

Face to face training refers to the in-person elements of instructor-led training.

210. Feedback

Feedback can be provided while a learner completes a course, an exam, or assignment in an LMS.

211. Flash

Adobe Flash technology has supported the delivery of multimedia content for nearly twenty years. Three popular eLearning formats rely on Flash technology: SCORM, xAPI (Tin Can), and video.

212. Gamification

The insertion of game mechanics into a process that is not itself a game. In eLearning, it takes the form of points, badges, and leader boards used to engage and motivate learners.

213. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

Developed by software writer Steve Wilhite in 1987. Originally used to compress image files, nowadays it’s best known for moving images which are a lightweight alternative to video. GIFs are becoming an increasingly popular element of course content.

214. HRIS (Human Resource Information System)

This is a system which supports both human resources and information technology. It allows HR activities, records and processes to be held in this system. Integrating your HR system with your LMS facilitates user creation, maintenance, and learner record storage.

215. Kirkpatrick Model

This model is the standard used for analyzing and evaluating the results of training programs. There are four levels to this model: reaction, learning, behavior, and results.

216. Knowledge Base

Specialized repository used to store information and knowledge assets. Learn Upon provides all customers with access to a knowledge base of information developed to support the use of our LMS.

217. L&D (Learning and development)

Learning and development is a subset of Human Resources (HR) that aims to improve the skills, knowledge, and performance of individuals and teams through training.

218. Objectives

Course or learning objectives define the knowledge or skills learners are expected to gain from a training program. The development of course content should be goal-driven.

219. Onboarding

This is the process of integrating a new employee, partner, or customer into an organization and familiarizing them with the organization’s products and services

220. Outcomes

Describes the knowledge or skills learners are expected to gain from engaging with course content.

221. Pedagogy

Derived from the Greek for ‘to lead’, pedagogy is an instructor-centered approach to educational activities in online and face-to-face environments. In eLearning, pedagogy involves selecting the best methods to convey information to learners.

222. Problem Based Learning

A learner-centered approach that’s similar to Scenario-Based Learning. In this approach, learners are presented with a problem and gain knowledge from the development of a solution.

223. ROI (Return on Investment)

A common business term, in eLearning ROI, references a ratio of the profit accrued by an investment versus the cost of the investment. Training professionals are now often required to demonstrate the ROI of learning programs and software to leadership teams.

224. Asynchronous learning

Asynchronous learning allows learners to train individually, enabling them to complete courses at a time, place and pace that suits them.

225. Authoring Tool

Often paired with an LMS, this software is used to develop content for online learning and training programs

226. Strategic alignment

Strategic alignment: How effectively does the learning strategy support the organization’s priorities?

227. Capabilities

Capabilities: How well does the L&D function help colleagues build the mind-sets, skills, and expertise they need most? This impact can be measured by assessing people’s capability gaps against a comprehensive competency framework.

228. Organizational health

Organizational health: To what extent does learning strengthen the overall health and DNA of the organization? Relevant dimensions of the McKinsey Organizational Health Index can provide a baseline.

229. SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model)

Perhaps the most ubiquitous set of standards, SCORM was developed by Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) and applied when developing LMS content.

230. An Accident Prevention Plan (APP)

An Accident Prevention Plan (APP) instructs employees how to respond in the case of common occupational hazards. It includes precautions that should be taken to reduce or eliminate these hazards.

231. Scalability

Scalability refers to the extent to which an LMS can expand to handle a growing number of courses, concurrent users, and request response times.

232. Module

In Learning’s LMS, a module is a basic block a course is built from. A module can consist of any course material, such as a video, document, SCORM file, or an exam or survey.

233. LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability)

The primary purpose of the LTI standard, created by the IMS Global Learning Consortium, is to connect learning systems, such as an LMS, with external service tools.

234. Learning Portal

Learning portals are like ‘mini-LMSs’ that enable you to manage and deliver training to your employees, partners, and customers in separate, unique environments

235. Learning Path

Learning paths are used to build structured learning programs that guide learners through a series of courses.

236. Compliance training

Compliance training is employee training mandated by legislation, regulation or policy. It educates your employees on the laws or regulations applicable to their job function or industry.

237. Content Library

In LearnUpon, a content library is a repository of reusable content, like videos, documents, question pools, SCORM and xAPI (Tin Can) files, from which a course can be created.

238. Corporate Training

Corporate training is the strategy of providing learners, internal and external to your organization, with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful. By furthering their success, you are, in turn, facilitating the success of your business.

239. Course Builder

Functionality in a learning management system that is used to upload and create courses. Course builders allow you to combine elements such as text, image, video etc., to make your courses more engaging.

240. CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

CPD programs aim to help professionals stay up-to-date with developments in their field after tertiary or postgraduate training has ended.

241. Course Catalogue

A collection of courses made available to learners so they can self-select the training they want to complete.

242. eLearning (Electronic Learning)

eLearning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources.

243. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS is a markup language that defines the design of an HTML web-page. In very basic terms, HTML structures a page, while CSS controls how it looks.

244. EE (Extended Enterprise)

In eLearning, this relates to the training of your partners and customers to improve product adoption, increase customer retention, and maximize support resources

245. Cognitive Load

A theory developed by John Sweller that describes the strain working memory experiences when information is being processed.

246. COD (Content on Demand)

Providing content on demand enables users to decide when and where they access the available content. In terms of eLearning, it means that a learner can take their courses when it suits their schedule.

247. CMS (Content Management System)

A CMS is a system that supports the creation and management of digital content, usually for publishing. A CMS is more passive than an LMS. Users can view documents but the CMS cannot track and report on their progress as an LMS does.

248. CMI5 (Computer Managed Instruction)

This is a “profile” for using the xAPI specification with learning management systems. It’s essentially a set of rules for xAPI which narrows the overly wide specification to increase adoption in the industry.

249. A cloud-based LMS

Cloud LMS A cloud-based LMS is a web-based platform that helps companies to deliver, track, and report on eLearning.

250. CLO (Chief Learning Officer)

The CLO is an executive-level employee in an organization who defines and leads the company’s learning and development strategy. This role is usually found in large organizations and multinationals.

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